Counseling Services

How can I help you feel better?

During our initial appointments, we will discuss your background and history and set goals for our time together. We will also discuss the current stressors in your life and the things with which you are most struggling.

During subsequent sessions, depending on your needs, we may work on gaining control back of your thinking. We may work on understanding problematic thought patterns, and learning to recognize that how we think in situations affects how we feel and behave.  We may work on how to cope with big emotions when we can’t seem to get control of your thinking. We may work on practicing mindfulness and learning to focus our attention to the present moment.

If you are using substances more than you want to be, we will work on figuring out why and practicing new ways to deal with these situations. Whether it be because you can’t turn off your thoughts, you are feeling sad, frustrated or angry, or you are unhappy in your relationship, we will figure out other ways to manage these feelings.

Oftentimes, our stress, anxiety, depression or substance use can have a negative effect on our family members.  Spouses, parents, and/or children may be worried about you and want you to feel better. During therapy, we can figure out how your relationships have changed and work to strengthen them. If appropriate, you may want to bring a family member into your session to support you.